Current Articles

February 2009
The global increase in dental caries. A pending public health crisis.
R.A. Bagramian, F. García-Godoy & A.R. Volpe
Fracture strength of endodontically treated molars transfixed horizontally
by a fiber glass post.
M.C.G. Beltrão, A.M. Spohr, H.M.S. Oshima, E.G. Mota & L.H. Burnett Jr.
Efficacy of calcium hydroxide, Er:YAG laser or gaseous ozone against
Enterococcus faecalis in root canals.
J. Noetzel, J. Nonhoff, K. Bitter, J. Wagner, K. Neumann & A.M. Kielbassa
Spectrophotometric evaluation of color match to VITA classical shade guide
of four different veneering porcelain systems for metal ceramic restorations.
G. Fazi, A. Vichi, G. Corciolani & M. Ferrari
Whitening effect and morphological evaluation of hydroxyapatite materials.
A. Dabanoglu, C. Wood, F. García-Godoy & K-H. Kunzelmann
Effects of acidic primer/adhesives on primary and permanent dentin.
A.F. Sanches Borges, R.M. Puppin-Rontani, R. Andrade Bittar, K.R. Kantowitz,
F.Miori Pascon & A.A. Martin
Effect of acid etching time on the degradation of resin-dentin bonds
in primary teeth.
M.E. Sanabe, K.R. Kantovitz, C.A. de Souza Costa & J. Hebling
Influence of curing mode intensities on cell culture cytotoxicity/genotoxicity.
A. Knezevic, D. Zeljezic, N. Kopjar & Z. Tarle
Association between staining by caries detector dye and the corresponding
mineral density in dentin caries.
M. Sunago, S. Nakashima & J. Tagami
IPS Empress inlays luted with a self-adhesive resin cement after 1 year.
M. Taschner, R. Frankenberger, F. García-Godoy, S. Rosenbusch, A. Petschelt
& N. Krämer
Effect of nanofillers’ size on surface properties after toothbrush abrasion.
L.M. Cavalcante, K. Masouras, D.C. Watts, L.A. Pimenta & N. Silikas